Adherence Analytics


Once your historical data is successfully parsed, we will populate the dashboard view with a visualization of your imaging exams and the recommendations made within those reports.

Closed-Loops Rate

This shows what the practice's total closed-loop's rate is including the other recommendation status's such as

  • Scheduled Not Completed
  • Rx Received

And is calculated as follows:

Adherent + Scheduled Not Completed + Rx Received / (Adherent + Overdue + Coming Due + Non Compliant + Scheduled Not Completed + Rx Received )


Historical Adherence

As a baseline, we will populate a historical adherence graph for you that shows counts of your recommendations and where the recommendation's status was relative the due date and the month selected.

The adherence rate is calculated based on the recommendation counts in each of the columns as

Adherent / (Adherent + Overdue + Coming Due + Non Compliant)

*Exclusion - we show you the Non-mature count in the graph however it is NOT included in the adherence calculation



This graph is filterable by a number of dimensions that you can combine including:

  • Radiologist
  • Recommended Modality
  • Recommended Anatomy
  • Timeframe Extracted

There is a hover state that will give you the inputs for that month and individual adherence rate. If you click that month if will also bring you to a bar graph representation of that month.


Aggregate Charts

There's a few core components of the analytics overview that help give insights into how your follow up process is performing.

  1. Recommendations Histogram - A time series graph that shows your imaging exams and how many of those exams we tagged that have follow ups recommended at an aggregate level.
  2. Recommended Modalities - If a report suggests a follow up with a specific modality, it will show up within this aggregate chart, by default we show the top 5 most recommended and bucket the rest into an others category which you can see in more detail within the Follow up List.
  3. Recommended Anatomies - If a report contains a recommended anatomy, it will show up within this aggregate chart, by default we show the top 5 most recommended and bucket the rest into an others category which you can see in more detail within the Follow up List.
  4. Initial Modalities - This shows the modality breakdown of your reports with a capability to filter around only the modalities that create the most recommendations
  5. Reco Rate Funnel - We tag each report with associated timelines and assign a status value detailed further below and in this view show an aggregate value of those recommendation status'


What do we consider a recommendation?

At a high level, we track sentences within the radiology report that specifically recommend a follow-up imaging exam (e.g. “CT”, “MRI”, “Mammogram”). Our Natural Language Processing, tags each report and extracts key information around recommendations such as:

  1. Is there a follow up recommended?
  2. What modality is the recommendation for?
  3. What anatomy is the recommendation for?
  4. When should the patient come in for that recommended exam?

What counts?

  • Include cases that specifically recommend follow-up imaging
  • Include cases that recommend interventional procedures (e.g. FNA, ultrasound guided)
  • Multiple recommendations - we track each recommendation separately if a report includes more than one recommendation

What don't we count?

  • Exclude cases that don’t recommend follow-up imaging (e.g. “per guidelines”, “per protocol”)
  • Exclude follow-up recommendations for direct visualization, biopsies, or other specialty visits
  • Exclude cases with a minimum follow-up timelines greater than 12 months

Recommendation Timeframe

For the recommendation timeframe, we assign some basic rules to what we find in the report text. Ideally, there is a complete timeframe recommendation in the report, but just in case there's not, here's our approach.

TypeRange Start (Reco Min Date)Range End (Reco Max Date)
no_timeframe_identifiedplus 90 days from exam dateplus 120 days from exam date
incomplete_timeframe_missing_endextracted valueplus 30 days from range_start date
incomplete_timeframe_missing_startminus 30 days from range_endextracted value
complete_timeframe_identifiedextracted valueextracted value

Recommendation Status Definitions

After the timeframe is extracted and other data is gleaned from the report, we then assign a status to each of the recommendations based on the time it is prescribed to occur.

Non-matureThe report containing a recommendation for follow up is greater than 30 days before the timeframe Recommended Min Date
i.e Today = 03/01/2021
RecoMinDate = 05/01/2021
Coming DueToday's date is at least 30 days before the Reco Min Date but before the Reco Max Date
OverdueToday's date is 1 day after the Reco Max Date but before 60 days after
ExpiredToday's date is after the Reco Max Date plus 60 days
AdherentThe reports recommendation was completed with a subsequent imaging report that falls within the Adherence Range (before the recommendation status has changed to expired)

Calculating Adherence & Closing the Loop


How do we calculate adherence you ask?

Each recommendation we identify is converted with the time ranges as noted above with either the actual value or the imputed value. On a historical basis, we are able to determine the Baseline Adherence and a probability used for future monthly reporting of adherence


Recommendation Action

Our mission is to enable open and effective dialogue about the clinical necessity, risk and benefit of radiology recommendations. In the triumvirate of the radiologist, referring doctor, and patient relationship, we enable the collection of 1st party feedback through messaging. The intent of those messages then effectively **closes-the-loop** based on that dialogue and is updated automatically (or manually) in the Recommendation Action Status

Adherent The Patient has completed the recommended exam and the ExamDate completed time falls within the range_start and range_end values of the recommendation (Adherence Range)
Referrer_AcknowledgedThe Referring doctor has received a notification in their EHR and we've received an HL7 response that they have seen the recommendation and will take responsibility with the patient to follow up
Patient_acknowledgedThe patient has received a notification we've received a response that they have seen the recommendation
Not_clinically_necessaryThe Referring doctor responds to a message communications with the intent that its not necessary for the patient to continue with this recommendation based on additional clinical context they have
Completed_elsewhereThe Referring doctor or patient responds to communications with the intent that they have received the recommended exam but went elsewhere to get it.
Scheduled_not_completedA future appointment is created for a future date and matched to the recommendation from the original report
Patient_deceasedFeedback has been received from the referring doctor or the communication channel on file with this unfortunate news
UnsubscribedIt is law that we provide the ability for folks to not receive messages anymore, so in the event that this response is given with this intent we update accordingly
Navigator_closed The radiology admin / care coordinator can manually close a case with the application.
Needs_prior_authThe patient is awaiting insurance authorization to schedule the exam
Needs_prescriptionThe patient is waiting for an order from a referring physician to confirm the medical necessity of the exam.

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