SMS Messaging Analytics

Within the Messages dropdown you can navigate to the Deliveries tab and view a historical lookback of all the messages that we sent out on your behalf as well as any incoming messages at an aggregate level.


SentThis metric counts the amount of SMS messages that we've set to go out to patient
DeliveredThis metric counts the amount of SMS messages (Sent - Bounced) and successfully reached an end phone number
BouncedThis metric counts the amount of SMS messages that we've received an error and was not delivered. This can happen for a variety of reasons (landline, wrong phone number, etc.) If you'd like to get a further breakdown of this number please email [email protected]
CreatedThis is a metric that counts the number of incoming SMS messages received by patients.

Date Filtering

We enable you to filter the graph and resulting table by dates. You can select from one of the pre-made date ranges below or the custom date range to select your own.

  1. Last 7 days
  2. Last 30 Days
  3. Last 3 months
  4. Last 12 months
  5. Custom date range

Direction Filters

In addition to date filters, you can also select a direction filter to see

  1. Incoming & outgoing (the default)
  2. Incoming
  3. Outgoing


If you want to perform a custom analysis using a CSV file, we support you exporting the SMS messages.

To export you'll need to select a default timeframe to view, using the same convenient date filters as above.

The same direction filter also applies to the export so you can export Incoming & outgoing, just Incoming, or just Outgoing SMS messages.

Export History

This export lives within the Exports navigation tab and shows a list of all your previously created exports.

What’s Next

Check out the Adherence Analytics next