Radiologist Metrics

Radiologist Leaderboard

Within the Quality metrics navigation you can also view key metrics of your practice's radiologists. By default, this list is ordered by the amount of closed recommendations with the most at the top 3 cards and subsequent radiologists.

  1. Count of Imaging Recos
  2. Count of Imaging Recos Closed
  3. Count of imaging Recos with (Timeframe, Modality, & Anatomy)
  4. Percent of High Quality Recommendations

Count of Imaging Recommendations

This metric shows the total amount of recommendations that a radiologist has made within their reports.


Count of Imaging Recommendations Closed

This calculates the amount of recommendations that the radiologist made that ultimately made it to one of the closed states and hopefully in the adherent status.


Count of imaging Recommendations with (Timeframe, Modality, & Anatomy)

This metric calculates the amount recommendations that contained all three of those values within the extracted recommendation that our natural language processing algorithm has processed.


Percent of High Quality Recommendations

This is a calculated percent value of the amount of recommendations that mentioned a timeframe, modality and anatomy divided by the total amount of recommendations made for the recommended follow up exam.