Historical CSV Upload

RadNav can ingest CSV files with your historical radiology reports in order to identify recommendations that you radiologists may have given prior to the live integration.

Once an admin gives you access to your instance of the Within Health dashboard, please go to the Settings navigation link and hit the Import CSV button.

Import CSV

From here you will be sent to a simple file uploader screen where you can upload CSV files and ZIP files containing the necessary data elements for your Within Health instance.



Please use the pipe | character to separate your columns as the report text will more than likely include commas within its body and will be difficult for us to parse.

Multiple CSV files

We support uploading multiple CSV files at the same time as well as a ZIP file containing multiple CSV files.


File Size Limit

Please ensure that the file size is below 100 MB

Sample CSV

Please see a sample CSV below with column headers that we support.

ascession_01|12345|[email protected]|(555)555-5555|Report Text 1|11/1/2020   9:00:00AM|REF_Craig|REF_Calde|ref_id123456|PATIENT1_FIRST|PATIENT1_LAST|MRI|(555) 555-0000|(555) 555-1111|[email protected]|rad_id123456|RAD_FIRST|RAD_LAST|


Required Attributes

There's a few attributes that are required before you are able to move forward:

  1. PatientMRN

  2. AccessionNumber

  3. ReportText

  4. InitialExamDate

  5. ReferringPhysicianFirstName

  6. ReferringPhysicianLastName

  7. ReferringPhysicianUniqueIdentifier

  8. PatientInitialExamImagingModality

  9. ReadingRadiologistFirstName

  10. ReadingRadiologistLastName

  11. ReadingRadiologistUniqueID


Messaging Specific Elements

If you're using our messaging capabilities, we'd require a few additional elements

  1. ReferringPhysicianPhoneNumber

  2. ReferringPhysicianEmail

  3. PatientFirstName

  4. PatientLastName

  5. PatientPhoneNumber (mobile)

  6. PatientEmail

Preview and Finish Import

Once you've uploaded your files, we will show you a preview of what data we've been able to parse.

Please confirm it looks good and once you do, hit the Finish Import button to successfully import your file!

You can Cancel Import on an individual file level if you've imported multiple files or cancel the import overall if you want to start again.

You should see a green Success message or a red Error message to alert you if we received your file.

And you are all done! Your file will be sent to our natural language processing engine to extract key clinically necessary recommendations and follow up details from your report text. 🎉🎉🎉

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